影片改编自出生于法国的波兰诗人、作家爱德华•斯塔胡拉(Edward Stachura;1937年8月18日~1979年7月24日)发表于1971年的小说《执斧人或冬季的森林人》(Siekierezada albo zima leśnych ludzi)。  敏感的年轻诗人雅内克不能再接受口是心非的人和虚伪的世界,已经在世界上找不到自己的位置。他很想能有一个与他熟知的世界根本不同的地方来充实他的生活,于是他应了林务招聘,将他的全部财产装在袋子里背在身后,到深山老林当了一名冬季临时伐木工。林场里空气清新,采伐工人虽性格不一,但跟城里人不同个个坦诚友好,他很快和他们交上了朋友。他也越来越相信“苹果树枝会在纯洁的土地上和心灵里双开花”(他的人生哲理)。尽管每个晚上都要被爱情创伤的噩梦惊醒,他还是盼望在这个纯朴的劳动者的圈子里也许会找到他所期待的东西,直到发生了改变了他想法的一件事——  一个老实巴交的执斧人借着喝高了伏特加,用伐木的斧子砍翻了小酒馆的餐桌,以发泄妻子对他不忠的不满。  这件事触痛了他的神经,他决定告别林场。途中,自从来到森林里白天不再出现的幻觉又重新浮现在了他的脑海,只是这次不同,爱的天使犹如一具带着面具的美丽僵尸。  一辆呼啸进山的窄轨火车迎面驶来。周游世界的机会终于来临!他扔下装在袋子里的全部家当,只身一人去一个比他所有生活过的地方更加冷冰冰白皑皑的世界去追求他的人生哲学。
Edith Hardy uses charity funds for Wall Street investments in hopes of buying some new gowns. She loses all the money and borrows from wealthy oriental Tori. When her husband gives her the amount she borrowed, Tori won't take it back, branding her shoulder with a Japanese sign of his ownership. She shoots him. Her husband takes the blame. In court Edith reveals all to an angry mob. Written by Ed Stephan {stephan@cc.wwu.edu}  Richard Hardy, a hardworking stockbroker, labors overtime to keep up with the ruinous bills incurred by his beautiful but irresponsible wife Edith, a venal, spoiled socialite who is impervious to his pleas for fiscal restraint. Acting on what she believes to be an insider information, she impulsively embezzles $10,000 from the Red Cross charity she chairs for a stock tip. When she finds the money has been lost, she desperately turns to a Japanese ivory trader with whom she has been thoughtlessly flirting and persuades him to replace the money in exchange for an assignation. When her husband's long-awaited business deal finally materializes, she desperately tries to withdraw from their agreement by replacing the money. Angered and disappointed with her resistance to his advances, he uses a branding device to mark her shoulder as his property. Feeling violated, Edith shoots him in the shoulder and leaves. In order to protect his wife's reputation, Richard confesses to the crime and faces trial for attempted murder. Written by Gabe Taverney (duke1029@aol.com)